Category Archives: Winter
Helleborus – A Perennial for the Ages
When selecting new additions for the perennial garden it is almost impossible to find one that will provide year round interest. This difficulty is further compounded when you need a shade-loving perennial. Well, what was once considered impossible for a perennial is now possible with the Helleborus! About Helleborus Although there are many species of […]
Feeding Birds in Winter
Winter is a crucial time for birds. As temperatures drop, there are no insects to eat and the natural seeds are covered with snow, and as the season lengthens, the berries and crab apples are long gone. Birds need enough food to maintain their body temperatures and must search for food from sun up to […]
Anti-Desiccants: Why, What, and When
Have you wondered why some of your plants die in the winter, even when you provide winter protection? Many plants die during winter because they dry out, or desiccate. As temperatures drop, the ground freezes and plant roots cannot take water from the soil. This causes the plant to use stored water from the leaves and stems as part of the transpiration process, during which water exits the plant through the leaves.
Creating Humidity for Houseplant Health
Houseplants are like Goldilocks...sometimes there is too much humidity and sometimes not enough. However, somewhere it's "just right." Many of our houseplants hail from the tropics and grow in humidity of 50-80%, considerably more humid than our homes.
Keeping a Garden Journal
Who should keep a garden journal? EVERYONE should keep a garden journal! Remember the old saying, "If your life is worth living, it's worth recording." So, why would your garden be any different? Whether you are recording your landscape, a vegetable garden, or both, the details make the difference.
Decorating Your Home With Houseplants
Bring the bright atmosphere of a tropical vacation into your home this winter with houseplants. An integral part of your home décor, houseplants not only artistically improve your home, they also cleanse and freshen your indoor air quality. Plants take in carbon dioxide and release clean, pure oxygen. Some plants even absorb certain air toxins, […]
The Edible Garden
Who said fruits and vegetables can’t be show-offs in the ornamental beds? Mix fruits and veggies into your flower and shrub borders to add drama, texture, color and, most importantly, food! Blueberries Displaying white flowers tinged in pink in little tassels during late spring, blueberries will grow only in moist, peaty soil with a pH […]
Seed Starting
Starting seeds indoors is a rewarding gardening experience and can help extend your growing season to include more plant varieties than your outdoor season may permit. Furthermore, a larger selection of seed varieties doesn’t limit your opportunities to growing only those transplants that are available at planting time. The key to success in growing seedlings […]
We’re very excited about one of the newer trends... vermicomposting, otherwise known as worm composting! This simple process mixes food scraps with yard waste and other organic materials in an enclosed area containing specific types of worms.
Worm-Casting Tea
Perhaps you used compost tea on your plants and saw the amazing effect it had. (If you haven’t, you should try it and then you’ll see it... promise!) However, if you think your plants loved their compost tea, try giving them a drink of worm casting tea. No, it’s not the liquid dripping from the bottom of an elevated worm bin.